How to play this game

  • Spot the difference between the pictures
  • Click on the things that you think are different
  • If your guess is wrong, time will be deducted instead
  • You win the game if you manage to spot all the differences within the time limit given
Can you spot the ugly duckling?
Even certified genuises cannot solve this puzzle
Care for an all day lollipop?
Strong teeth win the day!
Which pattern do you like best?
How many fingers does he have?
What's you favorite fruit?
Which Bottle Matches the Colorful Ball?
Learn the difference between elephant and giraffe
Take this test to see which car you are meant to drive
If you haven't played basketball you can't solve this puzzle
Can you find the new color?
What's different on the shirt?
Are you seeing double or is something new?
The Buses Are So Colorful!
The green car is now purple!
The animals are ready for a colorful parade!
There's a friend hiding behind the colorful bus
Can you tell me the names of these fruit?
The Pig and the Glowing Skeletons
Which ice cream you like best?
Time for a silly bath in a watermelon tub!
Who is ready for Halloween?
Who’s hiding behind the TV robots?