How to play this game

  • Spot the difference between the pictures
  • Click on the things that you think are different
  • If your guess is wrong, time will be deducted instead
  • You win the game if you manage to spot all the differences within the time limit given
Can you spot the ugly duckling?
Even certified genuises cannot solve this puzzle
Care for an all day lollipop?
The duck on the baby's head changed color!
Every ball has a hidden secret
Colorful balls make everyone smile
Which Drink is the Trickiest? Can You Tell?
Which duck is blue?
Do you like animals?
Even certified genuises cannot solve this puzzle
Teddy's got a color makeover!
Bath time buddies
Find the missing cloud!
Spot the different truck!
One has a Santa hat!
Why are the buses different today?
Do you see the baby's hair color change?
Spot the rubber ducky that's trying to hide!
Happy Trains Get a Makeover
Green duck, red duck, which is right?
What’s different with Peppa’s family?
What's behind the cat?
The snowman looks different now.
The Silly Differences Between These Colorful Friends