How to play this game

  • Spot the difference between the pictures
  • Click on the things that you think are different
  • If your guess is wrong, time will be deducted instead
  • You win the game if you manage to spot all the differences within the time limit given
Can you spot the ugly duckling?
Even certified genuises cannot solve this puzzle
Care for an all day lollipop?
Can you figure out the fruits and vegetables used to make this salad?
Can you find the ball that matches the purple paint?
Notice the irregularity of the photo
Ice pops that love to play dress-up!
Discover how to swim in a bathtub full of candy
What color sippy cup do you like?
If you don't know colors, you can't solve this puzzle
These sheep are up to something silly
Colorful and interesting kids slide playground
Spot the duck that's a different color
The Train Loves All the Colors
Which Egg Will the Cat Hit?
Which bottle belongs to the right duck?
Can You Find the Colorful Bubbles That Changed?
Do dogs and ducks belong together?
How many carrots are here?
Which one of these pumpkins is making a silly face?
How Many Ducklings Can You Count?
Create your own ice cream flavor
Meet the Superhero in this Exciting Game!
The red car looks happy today!