How to play this game

  • Spot the difference between the pictures
  • Click on the things that you think are different
  • If your guess is wrong, time will be deducted instead
  • You win the game if you manage to spot all the differences within the time limit given
Can you spot the ugly duckling?
Even certified genuises cannot solve this puzzle
Care for an all day lollipop?
Who’s the Angriest Monkey?
Can you find the different number?
Dive into the shark adventure!
The school bus looks different now.
Let's count the duck
What Is the Chicken Saying?
What's you favorite fruit?
What color did the dog’s car change to?
You'll never hunger for meat again after playing this puzzle
Superhero Snack Time!
Find the hidden change in these colorful cars!
Can you find what's different between these two snails?
Let's taste dessert
Can you spot the sneaky blue firetruck?
Come to play with lion
The black sheep is enjoying the sunny day in the green field.
Only those who are color blind can properly paint these pictures
Can you find the yellow sheep?
Can you find the colorful ice cream that's different?
Who's Riding the Cow Today?
Which Egg Will the Cat Hit?