HOME / Rhythm Hive

Rhythm Hive

DeveloperHYBE IM Co.,Ltd. / HYBE IM Co., Ltd.
OSIOS / Android
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Description:Rhythm Hive is an exciting rhythm-based mobile game that offers a unique and immersive musical experience. In Rhythm Hive, players are tasked with tapping, sliding, and swiping along with the rhythm of the music to achieve high scores and unlock new content. The game features a wide range of songs, including K-pop hits, classic tunes, and even original compositions. With each beat and note, players can feel the energy and excitement of the music, immersing themselves in a captivating audiovisual experience. How to play? 1.Choose a game mode: You can start with the tutorial mode to learn the basics or jump right into the main gameplay modes. 2.Select a song: Once you've chosen a game mode, you'll be presented with a list of songs to choose from. 3.Understand the gameplay mechanics: The game will display different types of notes, such as taps, slides, and holds. 4.Play the song: Your goal is to tap, slide, or hold the notes in time with the music. 5.Follow the rhythm: Try to tap or perform the required actions precisely when the notes align with the target area.
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