HOME / One Piece Treasure Cruise

One Piece Treasure Cruise

DeveloperBandai Namco Entertainment Inc.
OSIOS / Android
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Good App Guaranteed: This app passed the security test for virus,malware and other malicious attacks and doesn't containany theats.
Description:The best mobile game adaption of One Piece is One Piece Treasure Cruise. One Piece's story has been rather well-repaired. There is a clear sense of substitution in the plot as the game opens with the early years of the original protagonist Luffy. The inclusion of audio game elements and a rotation system has enhanced the game's card battle. Though the majority of Japanese anime card game adaptations are actually superior, I still think this is a fantastic card game in general!
HOW TO PLAY:1. Building Your Crew: Your crew consists of the characters that you will use to fight battles. You can recruit characters by using your Berry or Gems. Berry is the in-game currency and Gems can be purchased with real money. Each character has its own class and attributes, so you need to make sure you build a well-balanced crew. 2. Beginning Your Adventure: After building your crew, you are now ready to start your adventure. The game follows the storyline of One Piece, where you will travel to different islands, encounter various enemies, and battle them to proceed to the next level. 3. Fighting Battles: Battles in One Piece Treasure Cruise are turn-based. During your turn, you can select the character that you want to attack with, choose your target, and activate their special abilities if available. You can also use items to heal your crew or debuff your enemy. 4. Leveling Up Your Characters: To make your characters stronger, you need to level them up. You can do this by feeding them with other characters or items that you no longer need. This will increase their stats and level up their abilities.
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